Lokal pod wynajem biurowiec w miejscowości Warszawa o powierzchni 165.00m2

Lokal na wynajem Warszawa TrzmielowCarolina center provides both office and commercial area. This particular area of praga południe is one of the most rapidly growing districts in warsaw. Elewacja wyłożona jest granitem, a ciągi komunikacyjne marmurem. That is because of its good visibility right on one of warsaw’s main streets and also due to the presence of bordering of the historical korszanowski’s building which creation dates back to xixth century. The bigger the space, the longer the time of the rental the better conditions we can negotiate. Umieszczona w centralnym punkcie klatka schodowa okalająca przeszklony szyb cichobieżnej windy pozwala na sprawną komunikację pomiędzy piętrami oraz pomieszczeniami. Great visibility and exposition on the crowded and highly trafficed street. Carolina center to wysokiej klasy budynek biurowo-usługowy zlokalizowany bezpośrednio przy ważnym ciągu komunikacyjnym – ul. Exceptionally good public transport (road, bus, tram, metro, rail). Well exposed commercial area on the ground floor – 140 m2. Prefered minimal space we are willing to rent is 150 m2 (one office floor), for a period not shorter than 5 years. Commercial: 120 zloty / m2 (net price). The corner of grochowska and mińska street where carolina center has its place, is a vanguard of the current development work commenced in this particular area. Constantly growing prestige of the district (and the perspective of euro2012). Building was constructed with the highest care for the details and convenience facilities. Na parterze ulokowane obszerna powierzchnia usługowa, z dużymi witrynami wychodzącymi w stronę ulicy. Na każdym poziomie przewidziano miejsce na toalety. Budynek wykańczany jest najwyższej jakości materiałami, podobnie zostanie wyposażony w standardzie tożsamym z klasą a dla tego typu inwestycji. Dodatkowo, istnieje też szansa parkowania bezpośrednio przed budynkiem. Rapidly developing area with good perspectives and ever growing prices. Ground floor provides large commercial area with large shopping window facing the street. Wysokość kondygnacji od 3,0m do 3,35m. Four – „open space” – office level, total: 864 m2. We anticipate the project to be finished in summer 2011. Located in a central spot stairway is wrapped up around glass tube of silently moving elevator, which extends also to the basement. W hallu głównego wejścia przewidziano miejsce dla portiera. Nieruchomość składa się z pięciu kondygnacji a także piwnicy. According to the municipal plan of urban settlement area for the direct neighbourhood of grochowska street, existing industrial estates are being demolished and turned into commercial and office housing in the frontage and residental buildings in the back. Pozostałe piętra przeznaczono na powierzchnię biurową w formie 'open space’. Budynek wykonano z największą dbałością o szczegóły a także udogodnienia. The height of each level varies from 3 up to 3,35 meters. The speed of current changes and development can be clearly witnessed on the example of wiatraczna square area. Higher levels are prepared for an office use in the form of „open space”. Easily accessible by road, public or rail transport, in direct proximity of the newly built and prestigious national football stadium which will proudly hold 5 matches of the euro fooball championship in 2012. Each one has toilets and access to both stairs and elevator. Grochowskiej, zaledwie kilkaset metrów od terenów budowanego stadionu narodowego. Just few years ago it was still mostly unattended to and now it’s flourishing with newly built sky scrapers, shops and offices as well as residental housing. Wszystkie pomieszczenia dysponują podłączeniem telefonicznym a także internetowym, oraz klimatyzacją. Usable and convenient basement – 120 m2. Its elevation is fitted with granite, while corridors glitter in marble. More over the second enterance from the direction of closed and supervised parking lot is accommodated for people physically handicapped. Yet, we are open to different offers, so do not hesitate to ask. All of the internal space is fully airconditioned, has both telephone and internet lines and can be fitted with additional systems upon tenants demand. Estate is composed out of 5 level plus the basement. Carolina center – it is a name of a modern, up to date office building built on the construction of a house from the beginning of xx century, combining the technology of today, with the classical and gentle architecture of the past. Offices: 60 zloty / m2 (net price). It is located in an especially blooming and quickly developing district of warsaw at grochowska 344 street.

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